
There’s a very simple message for anybody suffering from hearing loss: Use hearing aids.

Why? A recent study revealed that people who obtained hearing aids within three years of being diagnosed with hearing loss were less likely to experience dementia, depression, anxiety, and dangerous falls than people who didn’t receive hearing aids. While this doesn’t prove hearing aids prevent these health problems, their use is connected with fewer health issues. Results from the study showed that hearing aid users were 18% less likely to develop dementia, 11% less likely to develop depression or anxiety, and 13% less likely to have a dangerous fall.

Stop The Excuses

If these numbers seem low to you, it’s important to remember that your health is at stake, and every little bit counts. Previous research has demonstrated a connection between hearing loss and other serious health issues, but this study verified it’s an ongoing, worsening problem. But many individuals who have hearing loss don’t address it or ever use hearing aids. Why not? Not having the proper insurance to cover some of the costs is a common issue. And the cost might still be too high even with insurance.

Some people actually go in and get fitted but when they get their hearing aid home, it feels like too much hassle to wear them, so they don’t. Many people don’t view hearing loss as a major concern because they can turn up the TV volume to solve the problem.

While it might seem as if hearing loss is inescapable as you age, there’s more to it than that, and turning up the volume is not the right solution.

The Importance of Healthy Hearing

Obviously, a major element of communication is the ability to hear. Without the ability to communicate precisely, you may not comprehend questions asked by your physicians or family members. Consequently, communicating your concerns and symptoms will be challenging.

Other concerns linked to a lack of reliable communication are less apparent. If trying to have phone conversations leaves you feeling embarrassed and frustrated, you may begin to lose touch with individuals in your support system. Not being able to hear might even lead to less brain stimulation, and we all recognize that exercising your mind can help fight against dementia.

The Benefits of Hearing Aids

Getting a hearing aid isn’t all about serious, long-term worries. Using a hearing aid will instantly improve your quality of life, in addition to your long-term wellbeing. If you can hear and participate in conversations, it decreases your chances of feeling isolated and allows you to partake more fully in your social life. You will minimize your anxiety even further when you are capable of accurately communicating your health concerns with your doctor and understanding his guidance for treatment.

Is it time to consider a hearing aid? If you are dealing with any of the following symptoms, the answer is yes:

  • Being so afraid you won’t be able to follow conversations, you avoid social situations
  • Difficulty hearing the person you’re talking to if there’s background sound
  • Asking people to repeat themselves constantly
  • Turning the volume of the TV way up

These are only a few of the symptoms that could signify you should look into a hearing aid. If any of them sound familiar, ask us if a hearing aid may be the right option for you.

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